Ventures contracts with DVR to work individually with interested parties to ensure a successful career match.
There are many options and availability that Ventures works with:
- Assessments
- Work Trials
- On-the-Job Training
- Skills Training
- Job Placement – either part time or full time based on personal choice
- Application/Resume Development
- Interview Training
- Career Exploration Discovery
- Work Experiences/Internships
- Vocational Evaluations
Participants will receive an individualized plan for employment, a plan for employer contacts, skills training and case management if necessary.
Contact Information:
Washburn & Sawyer Counties – Mycaela Scalzo – 218-461-0861
Sawyer County – Beth Metcalf 715-934-0106
Barron County – Tresia Smith – 320-438-5141
Barron County – Brianna Losey – 715-513-9609
Evaluator: Garrett Szybala
Cameron Office: 715-458-5005
Hayward Office: 715-934-3035
Shell Lake Office: 715-468-2939