We are cautiously planning to resume our programs on May 18th . To assure we do things in the most positive ways we are implementing the return of participants in phases to better manage and monitor the health and safety of participants and our staff. Program Directors will be in contact with guardians, residential providers and family care agencies to discuss participants identified in the first phase of returning to program services.
We will begin with what we are calling Phase 1 of a 3 phase process. With phase 1, we will invite participants who have a good understanding of social distancing and hygiene and are without underlying health conditions. Our plan is to also limit our capacity to 25% or less of our general attendance during phase 1. All of our buildings are large enough to spread out into different rooms to allow for greater social distancing as needed.
We will begin Phase 2 on May 26th and Phase 3 on June 1st.
Maintaining social distancing is one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of infection. Physical space of 6 feet will be maintained and enforced. Breaks and lunches will be held in shifts to accommodate the 6 feet social distance requirement. Handshaking, high fives and all physical touch will be discouraged. We also discourage workers from sharing phones, desks, tables, and other equipment. If equipment must be shared, it will be sanitized before and after each use.
Our cleaning protocols to sanitize and disinfect will be amplified to take every effort we can to promote the health and safety of participants and staff. We plan to give special attention to door handles, light switches, faucets, tools, workstations, restrooms, food service areas, phones, computers and other electronics. The building will continuously be sanitized during the day along with one final disinfecting at the end of the day. We will also ask all participants to wash hands or use hand sanitizer at the beginning of work, after every break and after lunch periods.
Staff and participants will be screened daily with a temperature and symptom check. Staying home when ill is imperative for the safety of staff and participants so please still home if you are sick.. If symptoms emerge during their time at the center, we will be immediately making arrangements for them to go home. Upon returning to work, staff and clients will be asked a series of questions to determine if they are at risk (have they been exposed to someone with COVID 19, have they traveled, have they had a fever).
We will have some masks available for participants who would like to wear one but if you have a personal mask from home we would encourage you to wear it, since we have had a difficult time obtaining a large quantity of masks.
If you ride in a Ventures vehicle, we will require masks during transport since social distancing will be difficult.
Non-essential visitors and tours will not be allowed in the building until further notice to protect our clientele. The Bird store in our Shell Lake building will be temporarily closed to limit the number of outsiders visiting the building.
If a staff or participant contracts COVID 19, we would notify staff and clients of their possible exposure but maintain confidentiality. Ventures would follow current CDC guidelines and follow guidance from our local health department / public health office on how to disinfect, and re-open safely.
As we take a step back into services we will closely monitor progress, keeping the health and safety of everyone at the front and center of everything we do. This will be a team effort and we appreciate your support during this phase of our movement forward.